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Please keep in mind all prices are general estimates and each project is as unique as you are. In most cases we can only give you a firm price if we see the project ourselves. Patch placement on the vest or jacket and size/complexity are the two biggest factors. 

*We do not make patches and have no embroidery capabilities.

** We can install patches over pockets without closing them!! $5-$15 up charge applies. 

Sewed patches on biker vests
Patch Menu

All prices are estimated BASE prices


Small Tag/Rectangle.....................  $4.00  & up
Med Rectangle (>3").....................  $5.00 & up
LG Rectangle (>5") ......................  $8.00 & up
Small Circle (<4")..........................  $5.00 & up
Med Circle (>4") ..........................  $8.00 & up
Lg Circle (>6").............................  $12.00 & up
Sm Shield  (<4")...........................  $8.00 & up

Med Shield  (>4").........................  $12.00 & up

Lg Shield  (>6")............................  $15.00 & up

Small Rockers (<4")......................  $8.00 & up

Med Rockers (>4")......................  $10.00 & up

Lg  Rockers (>8")........................  $12.00 & up

Patch Menu

All prices are estimated BASE prices.


Sm Oval (<4").............................  $6.00 & up

Md Oval (>4").............................  $8.00 & up

Lg Oval (>6")..............................  $12.00 & up

Sm Bar & Shield (<6").................. $8.00 & up

Md Bar & Shield (>6").................. $10.00 & up

Lg Bar & Shield (>8")................... $15.00 & up

Lg Harley Eagle ...........................$20.00 & up

All patch prices are based on time and complexity, detailed figures, feathers, characters, stars or other patches with lots of edge space will be more expensive. 

Placement will always factor into the price as well.

Club Patch Menu

All prices are estimated BASE prices


HOG Back Set (LG HOG & Top Rocker)........  $40.00


$4-$40 depending on level

(Other Clubs Coming Soon)


Repair Menu

All prices are estimated BASE prices


Single Sided Snap Replacement........$3.00 & up

Full Snap Replacement....................$5.00 & up

Single Snap Removal ......................$2.00 & up

Decorative Snaps ...........................$5.00 & up

Difficult Access Snaps....................$8.00 & up


Zippers:           (All Zippers Are Metal YKK)

Re-sew Loose Zipper......................$3.00 & up

Replace Zipper Pull Tab..................$5.00 & up

Replace Zipper Slider.....................$10.00 & up

Half of Zipper................................$30.00 & up

Unlined Chap Zipper (ea leg)..........$35.00 & up

Lined Chap Zipper (ea leg).............$55.00 & up

Regular Jacket Zipper....................$65.00 & up

Biker Style Jkt Zipper.....................$90.00 & up

Purse & Bag Zippers .................. Case by case


*Most tears and some repairs require getting inside the lining which starts at ........$15.00


Sewing & Leather Tears:

<3" Stitching...................................$3.00 & up

>3" Stitching...................................$5.00 & up

>12" Stitching.................................$8.00 & up

*In general we are $60 an hour for all stitching

Small Tear (<1").............................$10.00 & up

Med Tear (<3")..............................$20.00 & up

Lg Tear (>3").... Consider a new one/$60 per hr


Lining Repair:

Small Tear (<2").............................$10.00 & up

Med Tear (>2")..............................$15.00 & up

Large Tear (>6")............................$20.00 & up

Repairing Lining.....................Varies/$60 Per Hr

*We do not replace full jacket linings.





Repair Menu

All prices are estimated BASE prices




Pinch Shortening (both)...................$30.00 & up

Unlined Shortening (both)................$40.00 & up

Lined Shortening (both)...................$50.00 & up

Shortening Zipper (both)..................$60.00 & up

Moving Zipper Up (both).................$80.00 & up



Taking In Unlined Vest...................$40.00 & up

Taking In Lined Vest......................$60.00 & up

Let Out Vest .................................$80.00 & up

Unlined Vest to Sidelace.................$40.00 & up

Lined Vest to Sidelace....................$60.00 & up

Take in Unlined Jacket...................$80.00 & up

Taking In Lined Jacket..................$100.00 & up

Take in Unlined Chaps (ea leg)........$40.00 & up

Take in Lined Chaps (ea leg)...........$60.00 & up

Let Out Unlined Chaps (ea leg).......$50.00 & up

Let Out Lined Chaps (ea leg)..........$70.00 & up

Let Out Chap Waist.......................$20.00 & up

Take In Chap Waist.......................$10.00 & up

Shortening Chap Legs (no hem)......$10.00 & up

Shortening Chap Legs (adding hem)$20.00 & up




Common Custom Items

All prices are estimated BASE prices

Colored Throttle Grips w/ Fringe......$50.00 & up

Colored Brk/Cltch Grips w/ Fringe...$40.00 & up

PlainThrottle Grips..........................$25.00 & up

Arm Bands/Cuffs...........................$30.00 & up

Tank Bra/Cover(w/new pattern).....$80.00 & up

Tank Bra/Covercust. provides ptrn).$30.00 & up

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